College Contractual Teachers Appeal To Hon,ble LG.Manoj Sinha to intervene for the Non compliance of Court orders In Higher Education Department and Criminal Violation of Article 14 and 16

      College Contractual Teachers Appeal To   Hon,ble LG.Manoj Sinha to intervene for the Non compliance of Court orders In Higher Education Department  and Criminal Violation of Article 14 and 16

The Jammu and Kashmir college contractual Teachers Appeal to Hon,ble LG Governor Manoj Sinha to intervene for the implementation of court orders , The Highly qualified lectures who served the department from last 10-15 years whom The Hon,ble  High Court had granted  Status quo orders  in favor of more than 300 candidates in the department of Higher education and time to time the concerned department was directed by the court to maintain status quo   till the case to be decided by   the Hon,ble  High court but it is unfornate the department implemented the court orders in Jammu division only but not in kashmir division that is criminal violation of the article 14 and 16 of the constitution. 

We request to Lt. governor to intervene in this matter why department creates regionalism in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir why the department not comply the hon,ble court orders in the kashmir division  Rather having same  Ut . We approached  many times to director colleges and other officials in this regard but their arrogant attitude exhibits that they are thinking themselves  above the Hon,ble High court . Providing department implemented court orders in Jammu why they are not implementing the court orders in kashmir division Sir we are believing and respected to Indian judiciary as well our constitution is same , We Request to Hon,ble Lt. Governor and Hon,ble chief secretary Arun Kumar to intervene and entreat to the concerned department why they are creating regionalism in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir which is massive criminal violation in the eyes of law.

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