Communication Mcqs Communication And Interpersonal Skills Mcqs
Communication the important topic for Indian National level as well as the state level exam, In this topic Questions were asked in Ugc Net and other State level exam, Besides the communication skills syllabus has been framed by many universities at ug level, this subject is most enlightening and constructive for all, In this Article we have brought some important Questions had been asked in different Nta Ugc Net exam in the paper 1 through these questions you all will get good idea about the communication and interpersonal skills..
Q 1.The word communication is derived from the latin word …
a) Communis
b) Communil
c) Communique
d) Commune
Q2. The nature of communication can be expressed as a process of
a) Establishing mutual relationship
b) Exchange of ideas between two or more person
c) Discussion
d) All of the above
Q3 In the process of communication the task performed by the sender or source is..
A) Formulation of message
B) Encoding
C) Transmitting
D) All of the above
Q4 Which one of the following is not the step of communication process…
A) Message
B) Encoding and decoding
C) Feedback
D) Understanding
Q5The way through which message passes is called
A) Channel
B) Decoding
C) Transmission way
D) Transmission system
Q6. When you are a source of sending message to your friend then what is the next step that you will follow in the communication process
A) Formation of message
B) Transmission of message
C) Seek channel
D) decode message
Q7. The mode of communication that involves the single source transmitting information to a large number of receivers simultaneously called as ..
A) Group communication
B) Mass communication
C) Interpersonal communication
D) Intrapersonal communication
Q8. When verbal and non verbal messages are contradictory, it is said that most people believe in
A) Verbal messages
B) Non verbal messages
C) Indeterminate messages
D) Aggressive messages
Q9. Which one of the following does not work as a barrier in communication
A) Physical barrier
B) Psychological barrier
C) Background barrier
D) Feedback related barrier
Q10. The barriers of communication can be eliminated through …
A) Enhancing comprehension of the content
B) Focusing by the listner
C) Proper attention
D) All of the above
Q11. Positive classroom communication leads to
A) Coercion
B) Confrontation
C) Submission
D) Persuasion
Q12. The classroom communication is the basis of which one of the following
A) Social identity
B) External inanities
C) Biased passivity
D) Group aggression
Q13.The chronemics is related to which following type of communication
A) Time related communication
B) Signal related communication
C) Expression related communication
D) All of the above
Q14.The communication among the same level of people or of having same status called as
A) Vertical communication
B) Upward communication
C) Downward communication
D) Horizontal communication
Q15. The verbal communication completes through
A) Verbal medium
B) Symbolic medium
C) Lips medium
D) Eye medium
Q16. How many types of communication are
A) One
B) Two
C) Four
D) Six
Q17. In an excellent communication it is not desired
A) Change in voice
B) External or physical beauty
C) Communication of adequate feelings
D) Involvement of students
Q18. The communication between two persons through eye contact or action of looking called as the
A) Kinesics
B) Haptic
C) Chronemics
D) Oculesics
Q19. The communication through body language or movement of body called as
A) Chronemics
B) Oculesics
C) Kinesics
D) None of the above
Q20. the messages are changed into symbols through which one of the following
A) Decoding
B) Encoding
C) Sign language
D) None of the above
Q21. A letter that completes a valid contract between a buyer and a seller is called.
(a) An order letter
(b) An acknowledgment letter
(c) An inquiry
(d) A sales letter
Qno22 To communicate easily and effectively with your readers, how many number of principles communication are applied
(a) Nine
(b) Seven
(c) Eleven
(d) Six
Q23 In order to understand verbal and nonverbal communication which of the following things should we do ?
(a) Accept cultural differences
(b) Studying your own culture
(c) Learn about other cultures
(d) All of the above
Q24. . It refers to the behavioral characteristic, typical of a group, it can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Match this statement with one of the following concepts
(a) Culture
(b) Communication
(c) Social lag
(d) NNorms
Q25. They maintain friendly, pleasant relations with you, regardless, whether you agree with them or not. Good communicators command your respond and goodwill. You are willing to work with them again, despite their differences.
Match the above statement with one of the followings:
(a) Precision
(b) Credibility
(c) Control
(d) Congeniality
Q26. When the company thinks your audience will be interested in what you have to say or willing to cooperate, it usually opts for
(a) Indirect approach
(b) Direct approach
(c) Neutral approach
(d) Modern approach
Q.27. AIDA plan stands for
(a) Attention, interest, Desire, Action
(b) Authority, Interest, Disclose,
(c) Accuracy Accuracy, Internal Diction.
(d) Attention Action, Interest, Desire, Authority
Q.28 Another name for interpersonal communication is:
(a) mass communication
(b) face to face public communication
(c) dyadic communication
(d) virtual reality
Q29. Which type of words used in the verbal communication
A) Simple
B) Technical
C) Difficult
D) None of the above
Q30. The advantage of feedback in the process of communication is
A) It clarifies the communication
B) It is beneficial in understanding the subject matter
C) It diagnose the defects in message sender or communicator
D) It explores the defects in reciever
Q31.which one of the following exhibits positive facial expression
A) Smiling face
B) Maintaining eye contact
C) Anger
D) Rolling up your eyes
Q32. An effective communication produces in reciever
A) Happines
B) Acceptance
C) Its access to other people
D) Understanding
Q33.Through which we could know that what the receiver or got the message
A) Transmitting
B) Feedback
C) Message
D) Thinking
Q34. Generally in communication the positions of perception , retention and recall will be
A) Like source variable
B) Like message variable
C) Like message reciever
D) Like channel variables
Q35. Which one of the following step you keep in priority for a effective communication
A) To select a channel for communication
B) To plan a evalutation procedure
C) To specify the objective of communication
D) To select various types of media in communication
Q36. The following are the words are not generally used in the verbal communication
A) Technical
B) Simple
C) Local language
D) Easy
Q37.which one of the following shall be presented by face
A) Expression
B) Gestures
C) Body language
D) Para language
Q38.The following are the group of words all together acts as grammatical unit
A) imperative
b) introgration
c) phrases
d) exclamatory
Q39.which one of the following is not treated as the obstacle in the way of effective communication
A) A long statement
B) An inadequate statement
C) A brief statement
D) A statement which permits the listener to derive the conclusion
Q40. When we use abbreviation’s in the process of communication leads to which type of barrier
A) Physical barrier
B) Cultural barrier
C) Language barrier
D) None of the above
Q41 which one of the following can be used to remove the communication barrier
A) Writing a letter
B) Using your own language
C) Using translator
D) None of the above
Q42. The main limit of mass communication is
A) It is very costly for the recevier
B) It takes much time in message production
C) Its success depends upon message production
D) The feedback system is in a poor state
Q43. When you saw a person in the straight body posture that shows which one of the following
A) Pride
B) Anger
C) Profession
D) Confidence
Q44. Which one of the following is not the step of communication
A) Sender
B) Receiver
C) Channel
D) Time
Q45. Which one of the following is a step of communication
A) Time
B) Eye contact
C) Body language
D) Feedback
Q46. The written communication can be classified as the
A) Verbal type
B) Non verbal type
C) Mass communication
D) Visual type
Q47 the verbal type of communication includes both of following
A) Feedback and receiver
B) Verbal and written
C) Visual and written
D) None of the above
Q48. When there is a absence of feedback it will leads to
A) Communication barrier
B) Interference
C) Mistrust
D) None of the above
Q49. In communication the process in which by which the receiver understands or interprets the message called as
A) Feedback
B) Decode
C) Encode
D) Understanding
Q50. The effective communication will be taking place if
A) The source is attractive and autocratic
B) The message is designed according to listener
C) The latest communication technology has been employed
D) The receiver is passive to receive the message