1.There shall be two separate Test Booklets one each of Paper-I & Paper-II both the papers being MCQs type). 

2.Paper-I is from10.00 am to 11.00 am.

 3.Paper-II is from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. 4.No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall after completion of Paper-I. He/she may, however, leave the examination hall, if wishes so, after the expiry of half time of the start of Paper-II after submitting OMR sheet and Test Booklet.

 5.It is mandatory to get a valid photo Identity Proof along with the downloaded Admission Certificate (Admit Card) for entry in Examination Hall. 

6.Paste a photograph on space provided at Admit Card (duly attested) and hand it over to the Invigilator/staff in the Examination Center. 7.Electronic Gadgets (Calculator, Mobile Cellular phoneDigital Diaries etc) or Log tables are not allowed in the Examination Hall. Please note that no arrangement, whatsoever, shall be made for keeping these gadgets and candidates shall have to leave them outside the Examination hall on their risk and responsibility.

 8.Enter the Examination Hall 30 minutes before the scheduled time i.e. by 9.30am. 

9.The Test Booklets containing OMR Sheets of Paper-I shall be distributed to all the candidates at 09.45 a.m. with the directions to take out the OMR Sheet from Test  Booklets at 9.50 a.m. to read the instructions and fill the required information without opening the Seal of the Test Booklet. 

10.Fill in your Name (in Capital Letter), Subject of Examination, Test Booklet Code, Roll NO, Subject Code, Center and Sign the OMR Sheet. 

11.Also fill in the particulars on the Test Booklet. 12.Open the seal of Test Booklet of Paper-I at 10.00 a.m.

12. Test Booklet containing OMR Code (A, B, C & D) for Paper-II shall be distributed at 11.15 a.m. from front to back serially as per seating plan with the directions to take out the OMR Sheet from Test Booklet without opening the Seal to read 13.

the instructions and fill the required information of the Test Booklet. 

14.Open the seal of Test Booklet of Paper-II at 11.30 a.m.

 15.Candidates will not be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before 12.30 p.m, however, if the candidate wish to leave before 1.30 p.m., then shall not be allowed to take Test Booklets and copy of OMR sheets with them

 16.Test Booklets of both papers and Duplicate Copy of the OMR Sheets can be retained by the Candidates provided they sit up to the end of the Examination.

 17.No candidate is allowed to go to toilet during first and last 20 minutes of the exam in each session. 

18.Candidates who do not appear in Paper-I  to appear in paper- II. 

19.Use only  for answering on OMR sheet. Pencil/Ink/ jell/Pilot pens are not allowed in any case. 

20.Candidates are not allowed to use White Fluid (Correction Fluid) on OMR Sheet for correction of responses. 

21.Return the Original OMR SHEET of Paper-I at 11.00 am and Paper-II at 1.30 pm along with admit card to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. 

22.Paper-I is of 50 MCQs of 2 marks each (100 marks). 

23.Paper-II is of 100 MCQs, of 2 Marks each from the Subject (200 marks). 

24.There is  in either paper. 

25.Candidates found copying or resorting to any unfair means are liable to be disqualified from this and future examinations. 

26.The Center codes for all Jammu sub- centers is 01; for all Srinagar sub- centers is 02; and for all Leh centers is 03.

All subject codes are two – digit codes starting from 01 (Chemical Sciences) to 38 (Urdu).

 28.The subject code, to be filled in the OMR sheet for paper-I is . 

29.The OMR sheet of Paper-I and Paper-II have been designed for OMR based evaluation. If the candidate does not follow the instructions or does not fill up all columns properly, the OMR Sheet will not be evaluated. Any resultant loss to the candidate on above account for not following the instructions shall be his/ her responsibility. 30.Each question has four alternative responses marked A, B, C and D. The candidate has to completely darken a circle, as the correct response against each question. 

31. 32. 00 Covid-19 guidelines including wearing of Mask and use of Sanitizer is to After opening of the Test Booklet of Paper-I and Paper II, tally the pages and number of questions in the booklet within first 5 minutes of the commencement of examination. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately with a correct booklet within 5 minutes. Afterwards the Test Booklet will not be replaced in any case. be strictly followed at all the times in the Examination Center.

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