The J&k College Court case contractuals lectures have inflexible faith on judiciary to Get Justice On 31th August In Robkar Case

The J&k College Court case  contractuals lectures have inflexible faith on
judiciary to Get Justice On 31th August In Robkar Case

The jammu and kashmir college contractuals who were working in
the different colleges in the ut of jammu and kashmir from decades .after the
abrogation of article the High court of jammu and kashmir has given them interim
relief in terms of continuation of their services .

 Unfortunately the
department exhibits defiance and insubordination of all court directions that
led to suffer 400 familes without having salary  When the matter has been taken up on 2nd
may 2022 in the supreme court of india .The Hon,ble supreme court passed the
directions ,the contractual employee can’t replace the similar nature of
employee , the Higher education department was ordained to maintain Their
status quo and continue their services till the final decision of main petition
in the central administrative tribunal Benches .but the department implemented the order
only in the jammu province but not in the kashmir that seems entire vioilation
of supreme court order.

Besides the High court of jammu and kashmir time to time Passed
the directions in favour of contractuals lectures regarding the continuity
their services but higher education department not implementing any order yet
in letter and sprit.

The Hon,be High court of jammu and kashmir & ladak  issued in Robkar case balliable warrants Rs.
20000 to the former director colleges and and directed to the higher education
deparment to implement the court order and resolve the issue for final
settlement yet the Higher education department failed again. On 31th August  The respondants were again  Called by Hon,ble court  to be Present on the similar date of Hearing and
were directed to file compliance report in this regard without any fail.

                             The college
contractual lectures while addressing admires to Hon,ble High Court and have inflexible faith on
Judiciary  that they will get justice
very soon





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