The Jammu and kashmir service selection board has recently published the result of vlw panchayat secretary examination Those candidates who have qualified the examination and were falling under consideration zone for final selection were called by the service selection board for the document verfication Before verifation committee. In this regard a fresh notice has been issued by service selection board to those candidates who are falling under consideration zone for the posts of panchayat secretary .
Document Verification Of vlw candidates. The candidates are required to produce following documents before document verification committee.
1.copy of online Application form
2. two passport size recent photograph
3.Orginal photo id proof like adhar card pan card etc
4. D.O.B certificate 10th class
5. valid category certificate
6. 12th marks sheet
7. Domicile certificate
8. Graduation degree certificate
9.Bonifide certificate on the format prescribed by the board .
10. the candidates must submit their order of pereference for various items
11. checklist sheet/form to be submitted by the candidates at the time of their Dv.
The list of candidates who are falling under the consideration zone can check the full selection List here or they can visit to the official website of board and can view and check full selection listĀ official website click Here